“Since the end of 2019, SISGEO has been a member of the Rail Open Lab, the platform for co-development and open innovation of the French railway sector set up and managed by SNCF Réseau, FIF, SERCE and RATP. More than a simple observer, SISGEO has been able to meet the expectations of SNCF Réseau agents and be pro-active by positioning itself on a use case related to monitoring the geometry of the loaded railway track.
The tested solution, currently being finalized during the Rail Open Lab’s 4-month sprint, should help agents in their various infrastructure manager missions. At the end of this sprint, an additional test campaign was organized with SISGEO and we are awaiting the conclusions of our experts. We hope that the industrialization of the final version and the improvements to it will be able to even better meet the needs of our agents. ”
Benoit Besson
Project Manager of the Rail Open Lab e Head of IoT Industrialization
SNCF RÉSEAU Digital direction – Network 4.0 Department